Balance agent control with agency

Gain precision and control with LangGraph to build agents that reliably handle complex tasks.

LangGraph Cloud is now in Beta

Deploy LangGraph agents at scale with LangGraph Cloud (available for Python). Get 1-click deployment, scalable servers and task queues, and integrated monitoring to streamline custom workflows.

Controllable cognitive architecure for any task

LangGraph's flexible API supports diverse control flows – single agent, multi-agent, hierarchical, sequential – and robustly handles realistic, complex scenarios.

Ensure reliability with easy-to-add moderation and quality loops that prevent agents from veering off course.

See the docs

Designed for human-agent collaboration

With built-in statefulness, LangGraph agents seamlessly collaborate with humans by writing drafts for review and awaiting approval before acting. Easily inspect the agent’s actions and "time-travel" to take a different action at a specific time.

Read a conceptual guide

First class streaming support for better UX responsiveness

Bridge user expectations and agent capabilities with native token-by-token streaming and streaming of intermediate steps, delivering dynamic and interactive user experiences.

Learn more

Deploy agents at scale, monitor carefully, iterate boldly

With LangGraph Cloud, quickly deploy and scale your application, with infrastructure purpose-built for agents. Sign up for the beta.

Fault-tolerant scalability

Handle large workloads gracefully with horizontally-scaling servers, task queues, and built-in persistence. Enhance resilience with intelligent caching and automated retries.

Optimized for real-world interactions

Deftly handle new inputs with configurable double-texting modes, and orchestrate async background jobs or cron jobs for efficient processing.

Integrated developer experience

Simplify prototyping, debugging, and sharing of agents in LangGraph Studio. Use 1-Click Deploy to ship in minutes. Then, monitor performance in LangSmith.

Trusted by companies taking agency in AI innovation:

LangGraph helps teams of all sizes, across all industries, from ambitious
startups to established enterprises.

“LangChain is streets ahead with what they've put forward with LangGraph. LangGraph sets the foundation for how we can build and scale AI workloads — from conversational agents, complex task automation, to custom LLM-backed experiences that 'just work'. The next chapter in building complex production-ready features with LLMs is agentic, and with LangGraph and LangSmith, LangChain delivers an out-of-the-box solution to iterate quickly, debug immediately, and scale effortlessly.”

Garrett Spong
Principal SWE

“LangGraph has been instrumental for our AI development. Its robust framework for building stateful, multi-actor applications with LLMs has transformed how we evaluate and optimize the performance of our AI guest-facing solutions. LangGraph enables granular control over the agent's thought process, which has empowered us to make data-driven and deliberate decisions to meet the diverse needs of our guests.”

Andres Torres
Sr. Solutions Architect

“It's easy to build the prototype of a coding agent, but deceptively hard to improve its reliability. Replit wants to give a coding agent to millions of users — reliability is our top priority, and will remain so for a long time. LangGraph is giving us the control and ergonomics we need to build and ship powerful coding agents.”

“As Ally advances its exploration of Generative AI,

Michele Catasta
VP of AI

“As Ally advances its exploration of Generative AI, our tech labs is excited by LangGraph, the new library from LangChain, which is central to our experiments with multi-actor agentic workflows. We are committed to deepening our partnership with LangChain.”

“As Ally advances its exploration of Generative AI,

Sathish Muthukrishnan
Chief Information, Data and Digital Officer

LangGraph FAQs

Do I need to use LangChain to use LangGraph? What’s the difference?

No. LangGraph is an orchestration framework for complex agentic systems and is more low-level and controllable than LangChain agents. On the other hand, LangChain provides a standard interface to interact with models and other components, useful for straight-forward chains and retrieval flows.

How is LangGraph different from other agent frameworks?

Other agentic frameworks can work for simple, generic tasks but fall short for complex tasks bespoke to a company’s needs. LangGraph provides a more expressive framework to handle companies’ unique tasks without restricting users to a single black-box cognitive architecture.

Does LangGraph impact the performance of my app?

LangGraph will not add any overhead to your code and is specifically designed with streaming workflows in mind.

Is LangGraph open source? Is it free?

Yes. LangGraph is an MIT-licensed open-source library and is free to use.

Is LangGraph Cloud open source?

No. LangGraph Cloud is proprietary software that will eventually be a paid service for certain tiers of usage. We will always give ample notice before charging for a service and reward our early adopters with preferential pricing.

How do I enable LangGraph Cloud?

For now, LangGraph Cloud is in closed beta. You can join this waitlist to try it out for free, and we’ll notify you with deployment instructions once you’re off the waitlist. Check out the docs.

How are LangGraph and LangGraph Cloud different?

LangGraph is a stateful, orchestration framework that brings added control to agent workflows. LangGraph Cloud is a service for deploying and scaling LangGraph applications, with a built-in Studio for prototyping, debugging, and sharing LangGraph applications.

Ready to start shipping 
reliable GenAI apps faster?

Get started with LangChain, LangSmith, and LangGraph to enhance your LLM app development, from prototype to production.